Associate Professor at the Computer Engineering Department of Bilkent University, Adj. Faculty Member at the Computational Biology Department of School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
Graduate Students
Halil Ibrahim KuruPh.D. Student
M.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '19
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '17
Yasir Ali KhanM.Sc. student
B.Sc in EE, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan, '23
Mehmet Alper YılmazM.Sc. student
B.Sc. in CS, Middle East Technical University, '22
Masoud Poorghaffar AghdamM.Sc. student
B.Sc. in ECE, University of Tabriz, '22
Muammer Buğra KurnazM.Sc. student
B.Sc. in CS, Middle East Technical University, '23
Ozan MujdeM.Sc. student
B.Sc. in CS, TOBB University, '23
Sobhan Shukueian TabriziM.Sc. Student
B.Sc., Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, '22
Helyasadat Hashemi AghdamM.Sc. student
B.Sc., Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, '23
Arda CeylanM.Sc. student
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '23
Undergraduate Students
Orhun Ege ÇelikUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS 390 and CS490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS 390 and CS490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS 390 and taking CS490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
Erfan Farhang KiaUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Toking CS 390 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Taking CS 390 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
Furkan KarademirUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Ahmed Utku ÖzüdoğruUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Past Members - Grads
Sina BarazandehM.Sc. Student
B.Sc. in CS, Shiraz University, '21
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University
Gun KaynarM.Sc. Student
B.Sc. in MBG, Bogazici University, '21
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University
Berk MandiraciogluVisiting Graduate Student
M.Sc. Student at EPFL, '23
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '19
İlayda BeyreliM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '20
B.Sc. in EE, METU, '18
First position after graduation: Scientific Researcher/Programmer at Evotec, Germany
Oğuzhan KarakahyaM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '20
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '18
First position after graduation: Engineer at Carbon Health, US.
Yaman Yağız TaşbağM.Sc. Student
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '20
First position after graduation: Engineer at Amazon Luxembourg
Hakan TurkmenogluM.Sc. Student
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '18.
Furkan ÖzdenM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '21.
B.Sc. in EE, Bilkent University, '19.
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student and DeepMind scholar in Oxford University.
Sarp Arda YenicesuM.SC. student
B.Sc. in EE, Bilkent University, '20
Doruk ÇakmakcıM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '21
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '19
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at McGill University
Kerem AyözM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '21.
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '19.
First position after graduation: Engineer at Amazon
Alper EroğluM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. student in CS, '17 - '20
First position after graduation: Researcher at Ucar Lab @ Jackson Laboratory, Farmington, CT
Onur KarakaşlarM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. student in CS, '17 - '20
First position after graduation: Researcher at Ucar Lab @ Jackson Laboratory, Farmington, CT
Gizem ÇaylakM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. student in CS, '17-'19
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Serhan YılmazM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. student in CS, '16-'18
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
Utku NormanM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. student in CS, '16-'18
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Nora Von ThenenM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. student in CS, '15-'17
First position after graduation: Consultant at SAP, Hannover, Germany
Necmi AcarsoyM.Sc. Student
M.Sc. student in CS, '15-'18
Past Members - Undergrads
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS 490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
Selim GülerUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS 490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
Goktug GurbuzturkUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student, Bilkent University
Took CS 490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
Mert DumanB.Sc. Student
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '20.
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at Tampere University, Finland.
Ziya MukhtarovUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student, Bilkent University, CS
Mohamad FakhouriUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student, Bilkent University, CS, '21.
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at EPFL, Switzerland.
Ahmet Serdar GürbüzUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student, Bilkent University, CS '19 - '20
Alper Kağan KayalıUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '19-'20
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at the Technical University of Munich.
Erkut AlakuşUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student in CS, Bilkent University, Summer '20
Gün KaynarUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student in MBG, Bogazici University, '20
Yaman Yağız TaşbağUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '20
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at CICEKLAB
Ayhan OkuyanUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student in EE, Bilkent University, '19 -'20
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at Bilkent CS Dept.
Kerem AyözUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. in CS, Bilkent University, '18-'20
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at CICEKLAB
Mert AlbabaUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student in EE, Bilkent University, '18 - '19
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at Bilkent ME Dept.
Onur KarakaşlarUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (EE) '16-'17
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at CICEKLAB
Mert ÇınarUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (CS) '18
Tuğrulcan ElmasUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (CS) '16-'17
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Furkan ÖzdenUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (EE) '18-'19
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at CICEKLAB
Onur KulaksızoğluUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (CS) '16-'17
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at University of Maryland Collage Park
Musab EraymanUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (CS) '17-'18
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at Bilkent CS Dept.
Ege KaraaslanUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (CS) '16
First position after graduation: M.Sc. student at University of Saarland
Barış ÇoşkunUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (EE) '16-'17
First position after graduation: Engineer at TAI
Meral KılıçgilUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (MATH) '16
First position after graduation: Software engineer at ICTerra
Nazlı Özge UçanUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (CS) '16
First position after graduation: Software engineer at Comodo
Taha AksuUndergraduate Student
B.Sc. student (CS) '16-'17
First position after graduation: Ph.D. student at National University of Singapore
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS 390 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
Took CS 490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science
Arda IynemUndergraduate Resaercher
B.Sc. student, CS, Bilkent University
Ozan GulbazUndergraduate Resaercher
B.Sc. student, CS, Bilkent University
Gokcem KamisliUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Electrical Engineering, Bilkent University
Efe ErkanUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Arda CeylanUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
First position after graduation: MS student at CICEKLAB
Yavuz Alp Sencer ÖztürkUndergraduate Researcher
B.Sc. student, Computer Engineering, Bilkent University
Took CS 390 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science I
Taking CS 490 - Introduction to Research in Computer Engineering and Science II